Getting ready pictures
Our love story began at Hotel Parco dei Principi which is a great location to start off with a lot of great photo ideas. The newlyweds where not just the ‘Bride and Groom‘ but also photographers and models so they where sooo helpful throughout the session. Helping out with the dress and offering creative picture ideas. So we started in the hotel corridor and moved down to the stunning hall which was full of beautiful large carpets, fancy chandeliers and soft couches.
The wedding session
Then it was off to Parco Villa Borghese taking pictures by the water fountain and moving around finding interesting new prospective. Some fun ideas here and there and then back in the car heading towards Piazza di Spagna to take unique wedding pictures of the beautiful paintings found on top of the stairs beneath Church Trinita’ dei Monti. Then working our way down to the water fountain. We couldn’t miss Piazza Fontana di Trevi, crowded but so romantic and then Castel Sant’Angelo bridge with its beautiful angel statues. On our way back with jumped off the car real quick for a nice view of Saint Peter’s cathedral in the distance from Ponte Umberto I. Thank you so much for such beautiful day. All the best!
More images on the Blog. Here are a selected number of posts:
A stunning symbolic wedding in Villa Borghese park
A beautiful civil wedding at the Town Hall Caracalla.
A Tuscany wedding in Italy
Matrimonial celebration in Gallese Italy