Overlooking the city from above
A most beautiful moment taking place on the Janiculum hill overlooking the spectacular city of Rome from a nearby hill! Popping the BIG question right by a small Rome sign that almost created a caption for the image! Having some difficulties in getting the ring out at first! But allowing for people to move out of the frame to get just the perfect shot of this wonderful surprise wedding proposal.
We made acquaintance after catching breath and continued on with a fun and creative engagement photoshoot in around the area. Carried on by lots of joy and happiness which definitely shines through the pictures.
So we crossed the street to the other side of the Janiculum hill. The one that overlooks the Vatican and Saint Peters’ square. Where we set up some awesome portraits with St Peter’s Cathedral dome in far distance. Then we took some walking photos under the old oak trees. Finding a small kid’s amusing park which was the perfect location for some bright and colorful fun and in love pictures! Reaching the belvedere terrace to take our last set of engagement pictures just in the midst of the blue hour!
Time of the year: September
Time of day: Evening 6:45 pm
Duration: 1 hr photography session
Location: Janiculum hill | Piazzale Garibaldi | view from the Fontanone belvedere terrace
Curated imagery by the Andrea Matone photography studio
Start here to learn more about our photo sessions. Click here for prices and bookings
Out latest photo shoots taken from the Blog

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A beautiful and romantic engagement photo shoot from the streets of Rome. Covering the Trevi fountain, the Pincio terrace panoramic outlook concluding the photo session at the Roman Colosseum!

Taking pictures in the early AM at the Roman Colosseum! Then walking to the Borgia family staircase to continue this fantastic couple photoshoot in Rome!