Bride and Groom photography
What a spectacular day this was to shoot a wedding in Positano on the Amalfi coast! The day was very bright and sunny. Although a little hot at times, it provided the perfect photographic conditions to shoot some really unforgettable wedding photography on the Amalfi coast. Starting on the boardwalk next to the beach and water with the beautiful town in the background. And the sun shining sideways from the horizon. Pictures coming out just stunningly with with a little bit of fill light provided by a remote flash set on the other side of the couple. Then after gathering some more images in around this area. We turned around the town, heading towards the marina to get a different scenic background.
The Amalfi coast
Just around the corner we found a spectacular setting to continue our wedding Positano photographer session. Steep cliffs diving into azure and emerald green waters. With distant towns and seaside towers. As well as the perfect rock staircase to elevate the picture frame for a perfect composition! So in very little tight space we were able to gather a wide range of awesome photos! And although the colors are just amazing here. Some of the pictures also looked great in black and white. Especially the image of the beautiful bride and her white wedding dress framed against the contrast of the rock formations.
Elopement Wedding photoshoot in Positano
We continued this amazing Amalfi coast photographer session on the other side of town in the small beaches of Marina piccola. Where we also had the opportunity to shoot on a small wooden dock. Pointing the camera into the beautiful Mediterranean water horizon. As well as towards the colorful beach side resort. Then after taking a drink break and resting a little bit! We continued onward back into the town of Positano to take some more pictures in the streets and alleyways. Underneath the majestic Church of Santa Maria Assunta. And near typical local stores and shops!
Time of the year: September
Time of day: 3:00 pm
Duration: 3 hr Elopement Wedding in Positano photography session
Location: Positano, Italy
Similar photoshoots: Wedding photographer in Positano and Positano beach proposal
Curated imagery by the Andrea Matone photographer Positano available as well as wedding photographer Amalfi coast. Here is a list of the available photoshoots in Italy. Planning on a proposal Amalfi?! Elopement Wedding in Positano. Lifestyle pictures from Positano and the Amalfi coast
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