Night time couple photography
A once in a lifetime night time honeymoon photo session in the streets of Trastevere. Peaking in a doorway to find this amazing setting inside this typical Italian building. Lit by characteristic street lights. As a photographer this can be a tricky photographic condition. As you need to either opt to use flash; losing out on the beautiful surrounding atmosphere. Or use very luminous lenses such as the 50 mm.
I opted for a mixture capturing some really nice snapshots as we continued our night time street walk. Taking us before characteristic pizzeria and street corners. Ending the honeymoon photo session on the Ponte Sisto bridge.
Time of the year: September
Time of day: Nighttime
Duration: 1 hr walking
Location: The Trastevere quarter
Curated imagery by the A. Matone photographer in Rome studio. Check out the Portfolio for more lifestyle photography. Start here to learn more about our sessions. For prices and bookings please Click here
Our latest couple photo sessions taken from the Blog

With the early morning glow and quiet streets, it was the perfect time to capture timeless, romantic moments. From the Colosseum to the Trevi Fountain, the beauty of Rome was the perfect backdrop to these unforgettable engagement photos!

A beautiful and romantic engagement photo shoot from the streets of Rome. Covering the Trevi fountain, the Pincio terrace panoramic outlook concluding the photo session at the Roman Colosseum!

Taking pictures in the early AM at the Roman Colosseum! Then walking to the Borgia family staircase to continue this fantastic couple photoshoot in Rome!