The First Look
This charming wedding marriage in Rome began with the First Look. Set up to take place in Villa Borghese’s Temple of Diana. A splendid location perfect to take some initial bridal portraits while waiting for the groom to arrive! Which gallantly arrived and met his beautiful bride with a chivalrous gesture. Then we were off to take some great wedding photography in around Rome! Continuing on inside this unique and scenic park. Completing our photo session at the Pincio park terrace overlook. Which has a great view over the city from above!
The Wedding Ceremony
The private ceremony took place inside Hotel Spendide Royal, beautifully architected in a dream garden like environment. With nice romantic and suggestive candle light atmosphere. After the faithfull yes. The celebrations continued in the hall next store. With a romantic ‘perfect‘ bride and groom dance. As well as a very touching bride and father dance. Then we moved upstairs in the Mirabelle restaurant to continue the celebrations on a perfectly designed dinner table surrounded by a beautiful atmosphere!
Time of the year: October
Time of day: daytime into nighttime
Duration: full day
Photography Location: Temple of Diana | Villa Borghese | Parco del Pincio
Venues: Hotel Splendide Royal | Mirabelle restaurant
Flower ceremony/table creations: Noosheens Floral Event Design
Curated imagery by Andrea Matone photography studio. Start here to learn more
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