Rome Instagram Photographer Session
Spanish steps and the Trevi fountain
This was a once of a kind rome model photography session. Which started at the bottom of the Spanish steps by warming un taking some initial nice portrait pictures in front of a nice wooden doorway. Before moving over to the Barcaccia water fountain, a nice instagrammable location to take some nice portrait pictures with the beautiful church Trinita’ dei Monti in the background. Later moving on the other side of it and focusing on close up fashion portraits focused in on movement and expression with the backdrop people out of focus in the background. Then we moved up the stairway to try to capture the essence of the Spanish steps. Although it was difficult to frame a picture without too many people in the background. And sometimes with the chance of rain overhead which luckily did not arrive!
Our next step was reaching the beautiful Trevi fountain. Taking some snapshots in the in betweens we found along the way. The fountain was a little crowded when we reached it. But as the rain threat became a little bit more real, we suddenly found the whole place all to ourselves and were able to take some phenomenal fashion portrait pictures! Soon after we also quickly moved over to the Alberto Sordi Gallery to continue our photoshoot in a truly one of a kind environment. A warm lighted setting perfect to take fashion portrait and modelling images. Trying out different poses and frames. Before going for a quick outfit change to get ready for the next location.
The Pantheon and the Roman Streets and Alleyways
Reaching the Roman Pantheon was a short a pleasant walk. This is another great Rome instagram spot. With the rain that conveniently stopped as we stepped out of the gallery. Making some quick stops along the way to shoot some awesome portraits we found of interest. One just in front of an old looking doorway. Where we benefited from the nice natural light. While at the same time contrasting with the background darkness and artificial light inside. Then just a quick stop for a Venchi ice cream shot perfect as an instagram picture! And when we reached the roman Pantheon, where we took some really nice snapshots in front of the large monument. In a way as to frame both the massive column facade as well as the water fountain found in the square in front.
Then after a quick visit inside and some photos taken outside with the mobile phone. We also added some really nice portraits taken wearing angel wings from a hotel store window! Then as the sky started to threatened rain again we headed towards the Umberto I bridge which has a truly unique view over Saint Peter’s dome in the far distance. And when we reached Castel Sant’Angelo the rain also reached us!
Time of the year: mid November
Time of day: Midday 13:30
Duration: 2 hr walking Solo Model Photoshoot in Rome
Location: Piazza di Spagna | Fontana di Trevi | Galleria Alberto Sordi | Montecitorio square | Pantheon | Ponte Umberto I | Castel Sant’Angelo
Curated imagery by the A. Matone model photography studio. Check out the Portfolio!
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